The industry body is working on possible alternatives such as legal entity identifiers or a mechanism for large trade reporting. Both of which Tyler Gellasch, executive director of the Healthy […]
The industry body is working on possible alternatives such as legal entity identifiers or a mechanism for large trade reporting. Both of which Tyler Gellasch, executive director of the Healthy […]
“The U.S. stock exchanges will be under pressure at a House hearing on Thursday to defend their opposition to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “consolidated audit trail,” a market surveillance […]
One worry is that the system does not, at present, identify who is trading. Without such information it will be less useful and have weaker cyber security, said Tyler Gellasch, […]
But Tyler Gellasch, the executive director of the Healthy Markets Association, argued that the cybersecurity concerns raised by Huizenga and others are little more than a smokescreen to continue to […]
Fellow witness, Tyler Gellasch, executive director of the Healthy Markets Association, testified that the use of legal entity identifiers or large trader IDs could provide regulators with an elegant method […]
US equity exchanges increasingly depend on charging for data in a world of rapid-fire automated trading and that has sparked plenty of friction with the broader market. In the latest […]
On enforcement matters, SEC staff “try to negotiate their way through things to keep it all moving” and avoid complications, said Tyler Gellasch, a former Stein counsel and executive director […]
The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority drew up MiFID II with two primary concerns: that individual investors were overpaying — albeit indirectly — for research, and that investment advisors were not […]
“It’s not surprising to see so many folks using the SEC’s mishandling of its own data breach to call for yet another delay,” added Tyler Gellasch, executive director of Healthy […]
The SEC “went out of its way to make things worse for U.S. retirees and education savers, in an effort to help a few Wall Street banks,” said Tyler Gellasch, […]